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How To Dye Easter Eggs With Food Coloring – No Kit Needed!

Skip the premade coloring kits this Easter and learn how to dye Easter eggs with food coloring in this easy DIY recipe…

How To Dye Easter Eggs With Food Coloring

This weekend, we’ve been talking to our children about Good Friday and the super important meaning of the day, as well as some of the traditions and beliefs we uphold.

We also spend time talking about the meaning behind Easter Day – if you need a good reference for how to talk with your children in an age-friendly way, check out this article.

While this weekend is truly about Jesus, we also celebrate with our kids by coloring eggs and hiding them, as well as giving out Easter baskets. 

Coloring eggs and holding an Easter egg hunt is a great weekend activity for our family, and something fun to do together!

If you’ve been looking to find a way to color eggs at home using ingredients you already have on hand – this post is for you.

Maybe you’re skipping the premade kits, or have missed out on them and they’re all sold out (I’ve totally been there before), but don’t fret – you can still color Easter eggs at home without any coloring kits.

A quick checklist of things you need (or can run out and grab today):

If you need to run to the store, quickly hard boil the eggs you have on hand (I would recommend at least an 18-count of eggs for a longer egg hunt) and let them cool before running out for ingredients.

What You Need To Dye Easter Eggs At Home

Here’s what you need to dye your Easter eggs without a coloring kit…

Coloring Easter Eggs With Food Dye

First, I grabbed whatever food coloring bottles we had in our pantry – we had a ton to choose from.

I figured it would be easiest to color-coordinate the colors of dye to the colored cups we already had.

In each cup, I put a small amount of water, about a tsp. of white vinegar, and several drops of food dye.

I believe I used between 10-15 drops per cup.

The vinegar helps the eggs take on a more vibrant hue of the dye.

If you don’t have vinegar on hand, try using something acidic like lemon or lime juice.

I hard-boiled and chilled the eggs overnight in the fridge so they were ready for us.

Our kids used coffee stirrers as mini ladles to dunk and dye their Easter eggs.

Here’s what they looked like when we were all finished…

Next year, I think we will take some white crayons and draw on them before dunking them in the dye to see if we can create some cool designs.

I hope this post was helpful in showing you how you can dye Easter eggs at home without dye kits!

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